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Rước Lễ Lần Đầu | First Communion

Rước Lễ Lần Đầu | First Communion

Eucharist means thanksgiving. This is when Christ’s body and blood are offered and then received by the parishioner in the form of bread and wine. Christ during the Last Supper broke bread, ate it, gave it to his disciples and told them to eat it. Now the priest, through the words of consecration, blesses and administers the Holy Communion during every mass to remind followers that they are one with Christ. Food and drink nourishes our bodies - Christ’s blood and body nourishes us spiritually.


"Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirt.'"

                                                                      John 6:35

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Our Lady of La Vang Catholic Church


2020 Gibbs Shoal Road

Greer, SC 29650


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